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How to prepare your kid to primary school in Montreal

作者:admin 时间:2022-04-14 23:06 阅读数:
When should you start to prepare your kids to primary school in Montreal or in Quebec? 

Where can you find the Montreal primary schools ranking ?

Four-years-old, choose to stay in kindergarten or go to school?

How could I register my kid to school?

Does my kid eligible to English school? How can I get an English Certificate?

In this artical, you will find almost everything about <<How to prepare your kids to primary school in Montreal>>


1. When should you start to prepare your kids to primary school in Montreal?

Do you know that there are some schools starts to accepte registration from one year old?

Like PNDA (Pensionnat Notre-Dame-Des-Anges) in their website, you can see it shows 
“we recommend starting the process before your child reaches the age of one in order to optimize their chances of attending our institution.”

There are also some private schools start the process before the age of three. 

Although these are exceptions.

But, in my opinion, at least from the age of three, you should think about your child's elementary school things.


If you want to let your kid to try some "Famous" "volets particulier" public schools , like
 École internationale de Montréal ,École Charles-LemoyneÉcole Saint-BarthélemyÉcole Face ets. 
 You should think about some questions such as:

  • Does my kid speaks French? 
  • Do I need to change my kid to another daycare where french is the main languages?

Because most of the "volets particulier" public schools have an entrance exam in French.

Same reason for some private schools which start " open house "and entrance exam early  in Fall of the previous year .

Even if you only consider area public schools, you still need to think about like:

  • Does my area school have a four year old preschool? Or starts from five years?
  • Am I satisfied with this school? if not, do I need to consider to move ?  where should I move to ?

2. Where can I  find the Montreal primary schools ranking ?

Here is the link for primary schools ranking in Grande Montreal (year of 2016. since from then on, for some reasons, you could not find the ranking anymore)

Click the link below
Montreal primary schools ranking 

Click the link below (search by first letter)
Classement des ecoles primaires de Montreal  

kids books

3. How could I know which Commission scolaire my kid belongs to and which school I should register for my kid?

There are nearly 100 education Commission scolaire  in Quebec, which are in charge of public schools in the region according to the region.
As the largest city in Quebec, Montreal has six Commission scolaire in charge of English and French schools in different regions.


  • la Commission scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys (CSMB)http://www.csmb.qc.ca/
  • la Commission scolaire de la Pointe-de-l’Île;(CSPI)https://www3.cspi.qc.ca/
  • la Commission scolaire de Montréal(CSDM)https://csdm.ca/

  •  la Commission scolaire Lester-B.-Pearson(LBPSB)https://boardsite.lbpsb.qc.ca/
  • la Commission scolaire English-Montréal ( EMSB )https://www.emsb.qc.ca/

If you want to know which Commission scolaire you belong to, 
enter your zip code in the following URL and it will be displayed 


After find your "Commission scolaire" you need to find your "school"

Take "CSDM" for exemple:


enter your post code, and you will find "your school"

IF you want to rigester for "welcome class"  just make a RDV with the commision scolaire.

Choose to stay in CPE or go to preschool of 4 years old ?

Some primary schools in Quebec have 4-year-old preschools. So choose to stay in CPE or go to preschool of  4-year-old?

This video could give you a general idea of the different daylifes between CPE and preschool in primary school.

  • diffirent schedule
  • diffirent teacher-student ratio
  • Nap time
  • Speical education counseling 

5. Does my kid eligible to English school? How can I get an English Certificate?

  Subscribe school Unscubscribe

Identity category
French public English public French private English Private French Private English Private
New immigrants*
Study permit
Work permit 
(have an employer)
Work permit 
(no employer)
* Note: New immigrant children can study in English-language public schools, but only if they have an English Eligibility Certificate

Who is eligible to attend English school?

Under the Charter of the French language, children in the following three situations are eligible :
  • -children who are residing in Québec permanently and who qualify for a certificate of eligibility for instruction in English
  • -children who are residing in Québec permanently and who are entitled to receive instruction in English under a special authorization
  • -children who are living in Québec temporarily and who qualify for a temporary authorization to receive instruction in English

Who may obtain a certificate of eligibility?

A certificate of eligibility is generally issued to children :
  • -who have received the major part of their elementary or secondary school instruction in English in Canada;
  • -whose brother or sister did the major part of his or her elementary or secondary studies in English in Canada;
  • -whose father or mother did the major part of his or her elementary studies in English in Canada;
  • -whose father or mother attended school in Québec after August 26, 1977, and could have been declared eligible for instruction in English at that time
In the first two cases, the father or mother of the child must be a Canadian citizen. In the third case, the parent who studied in Canada must be a Canadian citizen.
For more information of certificate of eligibility:

Click the link:
Certificate of eligibility 


6. Some competitive schools (IB course/ volets particulier etc.)

If you are interesed in these schools , usually you have to prepare in the privious year ( between September to October)

École internationale de Montréal
École La Vérendrye
École Saint-Barthélemy
École Guy-Drummond
Ecole FACE
Ecole le Plateau
Royal vale
Fernand-Seguin- CSDM

7. Some very uesful links


(searche for private school)



(libre choix )



(private school information)



(school which has IB course)



(school ranking)

Video - My school 

If you have any question, contact me by : alicealler@yahoo.ca

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